Premium Online Therapy & Coaching Services

What is brain-based learning?

Brain-based learning refers to methods of teaching and learning based around the latest scientific research about how the brain learns.

Discoveries in cognitive science have revealed that the human brain physically changes as it learns. This research has taught us that the learnings and life experiences we have, literally shape our brains. Not only do each of our brains have their very own, unique form, but they are individually organised, exclusively to us, and that is all thanks to the events in our life.


What does learning do to the brain?

As we age and grow, we will all experience a variety of different life experiences; some of us may go back to school and learn a new subject, spend some time travelling and learning about new cultures; as each of these occurrences take place, so the neuro-connections in our brains, grow, change and remap. We know that ‘learning’ actually improves brain function and resilience.

The impact of stress on the brain

Some of us may be exposed to stressful or traumatic life events. Chronic stress and other conditions can significantly affect the neural networks and connections in the brain, specifically when it comes to learning, so much so, that certain emotional states can actually impede learning altogether. This could explain why young people who have been exposed to stressful situations early in their life, may go on to experience mental health issues in later life, such as depressions, anxiety, low self-esteem, and may even have difficulties with learning.

Brain-based learning and therapy

Understanding how the brain learns has far reaching implications when it comes to therapy;
these brain-based learning discoveries have informed counselling sessions with our clients enabling us to design sessions with the brains function in mind.

This extends to our training courses; where brain-based learning is key to each and every training session we run. Ensuring that training incorporates a variety of learning methodologies, practicing opportunities, and complex delivery is important to ensure learnings stick to you like glue.

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