Premium Online Therapy & Coaching Services

Reproductive Health And Fertility Therapy And Counselling

We can help guide you towards the right fertility treatment for you whilst giving you the emotional strength and resilience you’ll need.

Your fertility journey may bring you joy and happiness, grief and loss in equal measures. We are here to support you as an individual, or as a couple.
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What is reproductive health & fertility therapy and counselling?

Reproductive health and fertility counselling can provide a safe space and opportunity for you (and your partner) to explore feelings, recognise any underlying relationship issues, understand your options, and develop coping strategies.  You may be considering a number of fertility options, each bringing its own set of issues and circumstances. Each of these decisions will impact your relationship in different ways. We can help guide you towards the right fertility treatment for you whilst giving you the emotional strength and resilience you’ll need. Your fertility journey may bring you joy and happiness, grief and loss in equal measures. Wherever you are on your journey, we are here to support individuals and couples through this emotionally challenging time.  

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Our approach

We approach each client with a fresh, open approach. We understand that everyone is unique and needs support in a way that works for them and their specific situation. Typically for reproductive health and fertility issues, we use a range of therapies including hypnotherapy,Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and talking therapies such as psychotherapy and counselling techniques.  Therapy will allow you to truly explore, acknowledge and resolve the issues surrounding this emotionally-charged time. Together we’ll look at your hopes and expectations, set realistic goals, and learn essential stress management tools and coping mechanisms. We’re here to ensure you have the tools needed to cope with what you have already experienced, and what’s to come. 

How to get help

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Reproductive health and fertility therapy in more detail

Undergoing reproductive health and fertility treatments can affect every area of a person’s life. It can take a toll on your mental, emotional and physical health. It can adversely affect you and your partner creating conflict and division rather than unity.  There may become a time when you have to accept it’s taking longer than expected or that you are unable to conceive. This realisation can be devastating, and can lead to isolation and loneliness, stress and anxiety. You may find yourself grappling with the following questions:
  • Will I ever have my own child?
  • Did I / we leave having a child too late?
  • If we can’t have children will my relationship breakdown?
  • What is my purpose if I can’t become a mother / father?
  • Am I infertile or is there a problem with my partner?
  • Mum & Dad long for a grandchild that I / we can’t give them?
These questions are normal. Therapy can offer the space needed to explore all these feelings and reactions without fear of what people might think. We are here to help you work through your grief, to understand your fears, and learn how to move forward. 

How we work

Our specialist reproductive health and fertility therapists will work with you to create a tailored approach meaning you get the right support at the right time. We work around you, your circumstance, and your schedule. We are 100% online offering private video call therapy sessions, as well as the opportunity to message your mediator when needed, including email and live chat assistance. Get in touch to find out how our reproductive health and fertility therapy and counselling can help you

Together, our network of therapists have treated thousands of patients

Client success stories

“I just wanted to thank you for all your help. I really feel like I’m getting better and starting to become the person who I really am.”
Julie C.

Julie C.


“I’m so grateful to Pinnacle for giving me the chance to get rid of my fears and for my new found confidence.”

Jane P.

Jane P.

St. Margarets

“The best investment I have ever made, how can you put a price on quality of life? Would recommend for anyone suffering from anxiety.”

Nicola S.

Nicola S.


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