Practical Therapy and Psychology Based Services

Self Esteem

Self-esteem therapy – we believe confidence is something you can learn, build develop. If low self-esteem is affecting your everyday life, then we help.
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What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem and self-confidence are often confused; they do overlap but are different and need to be treated separately.Self-confidence is your belief in yourself and your abilities. You may feel positive and confident in your own abilities and life, or you may feel negative and critical. Self-esteem refers to whether you appreciate and value yourself, it is essentially self-love. It can develop and change because of your life experiences and interactions with people. How you value yourself can influence and impact many aspects of a person’s life, including home and work life, personal and professional relationships, as well as mental and emotional health.

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Self-esteem therapy and counselling

Low self-esteem is when we place little value on ourselves. Often a person suffering from low self-esteem may have developed a negative of life making it feel hopeless or pointless. This is where we can help. We will work with you to explore and understand the root causes around your low self-esteem, and together work out a strategy to build your esteem through a combination of therapies.We always approach each of our clients as an individual, we do not operate a ‘one-size fits all’ way of thinking. We will tailor your therapy to your needs and circumstances. Counselling can explore the way you feel and change your view of yourself and others. We offer a holistic, integrative route to therapy and draw on a combination of therapiesincluding hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and talking therapies such as psychotherapy and counselling techniques. One of the primary treatments we recommend for self-esteem is CBT.

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What is low self-esteem?

When you have low esteem you tend to see yourself, the world, and your future more critically. You may feel sad, anxious, or unmotivated. You may doubt yourself and yourabilities to meet life’s challenges. You may talk harshly to yourself, telling yourself you are stupid or cannot do something. You are likely to go into a task or challenge with a negative mindset, expecting yourself to fail because you feel worthless. You might also be trying to always please other people and try to accommodate others' needs above yours. This is a fragile place to be as you will quickly start to feel low, overwhelmed, and anxious.It is important to remember that self-esteem is a spectrum. For some, low self-esteem may only affect them in certain situations with certain people, whereas for others it affects every aspect of their lives and everything they do.

How to recognise low self-esteem

Low self-esteem is the negative opinions you hold about yourself. These beliefs develop over time often because of life experiences such as how other people treat you, particularly in childhood. The causes of low esteem are numerous and multifaceted. Through therapy we can examine the source of your low esteem to develop coping mechanisms and strategies to work through and build your esteem.Low self-esteem may develop from experiences such as:
  • Punishment, abuse, or neglect – those who experience this often assume they are bad and must deserve what has happened to them.
  • Lack of love, praise, affection, or love – sometimes lack of positive experiences and connections is enough for a person to develop low self-esteem. Without positive reinforcement you may believe you are not good enough.
  • Feeling different – fitting in with a group or tribe builds self-esteem. Not belonging can be lonely and isolating, it further strengthens a person’s lack of self-esteem.
  •  Not meeting people’s expectations – feeling that you have failed, that you have not met the standards set can seriously impact those with self-esteem.

Together, our network of therapists have treated thousands of patients

Client success stories

“I just wanted to thank you for all your help. I really feel like I’m getting better and starting to become the person who I really am.”
Julie C.

Julie C.


“I’m so grateful to Pinnacle for giving me the chance to get rid of my fears and for my new found confidence.”

Jane P.

Jane P.

St. Margarets

“The best investment I have ever made, how can you put a price on quality of life? Would recommend for anyone suffering from anxiety.”

Nicola S.

Nicola S.


How to raise self-esteem through therapy and counselling

By using therapies such as CBT, psychotherapy and counselling we will work together to understand the negative messages making you feel the way you do. We can then take steps to address them. This includes recognising and reframing the negative messages as well as acknowledging the positive things in your life. It is also important to discuss your past and explore where these negative attitudes are coming from. Is it a particular person, a past event, a destructive relationship?We will guide you through your past to events that may have been locked in your subconscious. Together we can tackle the root cause and start to increase your self-esteem.Therapy will help you to challenge any negative thinking that contributes to feelings of low self-esteem, helping you to grow in a more positive and assertive manner, proving your inner self wrong by changing your mindset and accomplishing things that you did not think you could.

How we work

Our specialist self-esteem and women’s health therapists will work with you to create a tailored approach meaning you get the right support at the right time. We work around you, your circumstance, and your schedule. We are 100% online offering private video call therapy sessions, as well as the opportunity to message your mediator when needed,including email and live chat assistance. Get in touch to find out how our self-esteem therapy and counselling can help you

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