Premium Online Therapy & Coaching Services

Smoking cessation therapy and counselling

Finally, be able to break your addiction to smoking.

The effects of a smoking addiction

Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK. It is responsible for around 78,000 deaths each year and increases your chance of developing more than 50 serious health conditions. Some may be fatal, and others can cause irreversible long-term damage to your health.  

Stopping smoking can be difficult as many people get trapped in an endless cycle of trying to quit and taking it up again. Over time, the physical and psychological aspects of smoking affect both mind and body. Giving up is not easy, this is where we can help. 

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Physical and psychological dependence in detail

Smoking addiction is mostly due to nicotine, an addictive substance found in cigarettes with two strands of dependency that make quitting so difficult. The physical side is well documented: cravings, irritability, low mood, and lack of concentration. Although these symptoms can feel insurmountable at the time, they peak relatively early and gradually disappear.  

A psychological dependency can be just as hard to overcome as a physical dependency with triggers we’ll ask about like, “Why do you always have a cigarette at the end of a meal?” Or “Do you smoke to calm your nerves, overcome shyness, or even boredom?” By understanding these triggers, we can increase your success rate of quitting for good. 

How we help

At Pinnacle, we take a holistic approach to help you quit smoking as our therapy helps you target both the symptoms and the root causes of it. Typically, we will use a combination of therapies in our treatment of smoking cessation that include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy, alongside talking therapies such as counselling and psychotherapy. 

How Jim put out his smoking addiction: A case study on our smoking cessation therapy

Jim had been smoking about 40 cigarettes per day for more than 20 years. Jim tried various methods with limited success but had no results. We suggested hypnotherapy, but he remained sceptical. However, with his first grandchild on the way, he knew he had to do whatever it took to stop.  

That’s when Jim came in for one 2-hour session with us. We discussed his typical smoking habits followed by a tailored hypnosis session which considered his scepticism and his specific smoking habits and aspirations. Jim was also provided with a personal hypnosis CD and action plan of practical strategies and advice.  

With the help of our therapy methods, Jim has now been a non-smoker for over two years and reports no withdrawal symptoms or weight gain. 

Client success stories

How we provide it

We offer therapy & counselling sessions in person at our London offices, over the telephone and online. The sessions usually last from 30 minutes to an hour; and our courses usually consist of around 6 to 12 sessions. 

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