Practical Therapy and Psychology Based Services

Anxiety therapy – learn how to reduce your anxiety

Anxiety therapy – learn how to reduce your anxiety – identify the root cause, its symptoms & triggers – let our London-based anxiety therapists help you.
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Anxiety therapy explained

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as a worry or fear, it can be mild or severe. Everyone feels a normal degree of anxiety in life when faced with such challenges as a job interview or a visit to the dentist.But some people can find it hard to control their worries which, in turn, can make their feelings of anxiety become more constant and affect their everyday lives. If you feel anxious a lot of the time about many different situations then you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder.

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What general anxiety disorder symptoms are there?

Feelings of anxiety can be affect both your mind and your body, some of the most common symptoms are:
  • Lack of confidence
  • Difficulty concentration
  • Lack of appetite
  • Feeling a sense of dread or fearing the worst
  • Feeling panicky or on edge, having a panic attack
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Feeling detached or withdrawn
  • Restlessness
  • Heart palpitations, shortness of breath
It’s important to remember that some people with a general anxiety disorder may appear to be fine on the outside while still having some of the symptoms listed above. As someone living with anxiety you may have developed ways of hiding your anxiety so that other people don’t notice it.

How to get help

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Our approach to anxiety counselling

We believe that therapy is an effective way to treat anxiety. The use of therapy helps to target both the symptoms and the root cause of your anxiety. Once the root cause has been agreed, we can help you deal with your anxiety; its symptoms and triggers. It is at this point we can build a tailor-made programme for you, depending on the symptoms identified.We know that ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ and that each of our clients is different and has their own set of unique needs and circumstances. Typically, we will use a combination of therapies to treat anxiety; these include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) and hypnotherapy for anxiety alongside talking therapies such as counselling and psychotherapy.

An anxiety therapy case study

Simon, aged 23, was friendly and likeable, but a little withdrawn. As a computer technician, he didn’t interact with many people at work and felt safe until new responsibilities changed this. He found he couldn’t always control his anxiety; during feelings of panic, he would get a wave of anxiety rushing up from his stomach to his throat, making him retch and sometimes sick.Unable to eat in front of anybody except his family, his anxiety in social situations increased and was especially bad if women were in the group. He would decline invitations to the pub, as he was afraid he might be sick in front of others. He had noticed that his anxiety in situations with women had emerged when he was about 11 years old. He had not had a relationship with a woman for five years. He was due to present a course at work and it was the dread of this that prompted him to seek help.He wanted to be mentally stronger and enjoy other people’s company. In his first session, an NLP technique taught him to make the wave of anxiety travel in the opposite direction. We introduced a metaphor about feeling really good in public and how it was possible to be calm and relaxed. During his second session, we used hypnotherapy to explore the origins of his anxiety and discovered it started when he joined a new school and felt overwhelmed and lost. He tried to make himself appear small and insignificant, and ensure that everything was perfect, so as not to draw attention to himself. Instead, he was bullied. We worked together on diminishing his need for perfectionism.By his third session, Simon felt his control was increasing; he had not had a panic attack all week and had been feeling increasingly calm. As a work function was looming, we concentrated on his anxiety about eating in front of others, using hypnosis to introduce positive thoughts. At his next session, he explained he had been able to eat in front of male friends but felt self-conscious in front of women. During hypnosis, it emerged that his sisters had made fun of him when, aged 11, his voice started breaking. It also showed that a failed relationship, when he was 18, knocked his self-confidence with women. We used Gestalt therapy to explore the very intense feelings caused by this relationship.Two sessions later, Simon explained that he had been out to the pub for lunch with two women at work, and had eaten a sandwich. He realised that his anxiety levels dropped to zero after about 10 minutes and felt confident it would improve. As he felt he had come a long way since the start, we suggested a break to consolidate his new patterns of behaviour. He called four weeks later saying he felt much better about himself and was able to be calm and confident in social situations. He had started a relationship with a woman he had known for some time but had kept at arm’s length. And his fear of criticism had reduced to the extent that he had taken on the job of training staff.

Together, our network of therapists have treated thousands of patients

Client success stories

“I just wanted to thank you for all your help. I really feel like I’m getting better and starting to become the person who I really am.”
Julie C.

Julie C.


“I’m so grateful to Pinnacle for giving me the chance to get rid of my fears and for my new found confidence.”

Jane P.

Jane P.

St. Margarets

“The best investment I have ever made, how can you put a price on quality of life? Would recommend for anyone suffering from anxiety.”

Nicola S.

Nicola S.


What can you expect from an anxiety therapy counselling session?

Our anxiety therapy sessions are tailored to suit your needs. We work with individuals, couples, teens, and groups. Our sessions usually last from 30 minutes to an hour; and our courses usually consist of around 6 to 12 sessions.

Get in touch to find out more about how anxiety therapy can help you.

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