Practical Therapy and Psychology Based Services

Social anxiety therapy and counselling

Social anxiety therapy & counselling – at Pinnacle Wellbeing we can teach you how to navigate your social anxiety, find the root cause, its symptoms & triggers.
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Social anxiety therapy explained

We all experience feelings of anxiety in our day-to-day lives. It’s that feeling of unease, such as a worry or fear; it can be mild or severe. Feeling anxious when faced with such challenges as a job interview or a visit to the dentist is normal.

But some people can find it hard to control their worries which, in turn, can make their feelings of anxiety become more constant and affect their everyday lives. But too much anxiety can take away our confidence and become difficult to manage. Social anxiety is more than feeling a bit anxious or shy.

Social anxiety can have a big impact on your life, it can affect your everyday activities, every interaction, your relationships with others, your confidence, your work- and home-life. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed and judged. Just thinking about these situations can make you feel anxious and can often lead to avoiding them altogether. It can feel like a never-ending cycle. This is where we can help.

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What social anxiety signs and symptoms to look for

Social anxiety can manifest itself in a number of signs and symptoms including:

● Fear of situations where you many be judged

● Fear of interacting with others, particularly new people

● Worrying you may embarrass or ‘make a fool’ of yourself

● Fear of speaking or performing in public

● Feeling anxious when thinking about any of these situations

● Worrying others will notice your anxiety

How to get help

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Our approach to social anxiety counselling

We believe that therapy is an effective way to treat social anxiety. The use of therapy helps to target both the symptoms and the root cause of your social anxiety. Once the root cause has been agreed, we can help you deal with your anxiety; its symptoms and triggers. It is at this point we can build a tailor-made programme for you, depending on the symptoms identified.

We know that ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ and that each of our clients is different and has their own set of unique needs and circumstances. Typically, we will use a combination of therapies to treat sleep anxiety; these include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), hypnotherapy alongside talking therapies such as counselling and psychotherapy.

Treatment for social anxiety: how hypnotherapy can help

We actually experience hypnosis all the time naturally. Daydreaming is a form of hypnosis, for example. Similarly, when we arrive at a destination in our car without being aware of how we got there. That’s a form of hypnosis too. We drift in and out of the state all the time.

By using hypnotherapy we harness that state to create a form of deep relaxation that enables us to access parts of the brain that are blocked by conscious thought. By altering your state of consciousness, through the use of hypnosis and positive suggestion, we can help you to change aspects of yourself – for example your behaviour or your feelings.

Together, our network of therapists have treated thousands of patients

Client success stories

“I just wanted to thank you for all your help. I really feel like I’m getting better and starting to become the person who I really am.”
Julie C.

Julie C.


“I’m so grateful to Pinnacle for giving me the chance to get rid of my fears and for my new found confidence.”

Jane P.

Jane P.

St. Margarets

“The best investment I have ever made, how can you put a price on quality of life? Would recommend for anyone suffering from anxiety.”

Nicola S.

Nicola S.


Treatment for social anxiety: how CBT can help

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is about looking at the relationship between your thoughts and feelings, and how they make you ‘default’ to certain behaviours.

It is a particularly effective treatment for those experiencing social anxiety. CBT helps rewire the software of your brain, rehearsing troubling situations in your mind in order to create alternative ways of thinking when that situation arises again. In effect, you’re creating new mental circuitry by challenging and changing old responses that feel hardwired in, but aren’t.

What can you expect from your social anxiety sessions?

We work with you to understand your specific needs and tailor the sessions to suit you. We always take a person-centred approach to work with you to reach your goal. Our sessions usually last from 30 minutes to an hour; we usually recommend a course of around 6 to 12 sessions.

Get in touch to find out more about social anxiety and how we can help you.

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